联系方式:85212667-810, zhuning@scnu.edu.cn
(1) 广东省科技计划前沿与关键技术创新专项,RGD靶向修饰的吲哚菁绿聚合物探针在胃肠道肿瘤早期诊断和术中导航中的应用,2017/01-2019/12。
(2) 广州市科技计划一般项目,用于高速率通信的片上纵向多模式复用器件,2017/05-2020/05。
(3) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于表面等离子体器件的非线性效应研究,2014/01-2016/12。
(4) 高等学校博士点专项科研基金资助新教师类,研究金属表面增强下的光学非线性效应及应用,2014/01-2016/12。
(5) 863计划信息技术领域课题,2012AA011001,光互连集成芯片架构设计与芯片研制验证技术,2012/01-2015/12。
(6) 中国博士后面上资助,2012M511827,基于表面等离子体极化激元的近场光学微纳操控研究,2012/05-2013/12。
(7) 广东省优秀青年创新人才培养计划(育苗工程)项目,LYM11048,集成型表面等离子体微传感器,2012/01-2013/12。
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1. Z. Kai, Q. Liu, and N. Zhu*, “Analysis of a waveguide crossing structure suitable for vertical multi-modes based on planar curved reflectors”, Applied Opt. 58, 1299, 2019. 2. K. Ma, K. Chen, N. Zhu*, L. Liu, and S. He*, and H. Zhang, “High-Resolution Compact On-Chip Spectrometer Based on an Echelle Grating With Densely Packed Waveguide Array”, IEEE Photon. Journal 11, 1943, 2019. 3. Zhenshi Chen, Hui Zhang, Hao Li, Lei, Wan, N. Zhu*, and Ting Mei, “Nonlocal effects on field enhancement in dimer”, Plasmonics, 1-6, 2018. 4. Hui Zhang, N. Zhu*, Ting Mei, He Miao*, Hao Li, and Zhenshi Chen, “A novel optical lithography implement utilizing third harmonic generation via metallic tip enhanced near field”, Opt. Comm. 383, 418, 2016. 5. Jun Chen, Yang Yang, and N. Zhu*, “Echelle grating based mode demultipexer for vertical mode-division multiplexing”, Opt. Exp. 24, 24509-24516, 2016.10.17. 6. N. Zhu*, H.Li, and H. Zhang, “Directional coupling in V-groove plasmonic waveguides with ultra thin metal film”, Infrared and Laser Engineering 44, 5 ,1554-1557,2015.05.25. 7. Hao. Li, N. Zhu, H. Zhang, Z. Chen, and T. Mei*, “Nonlocal effects on second harmonic generation in nanofilm plasmonic structure”, Opt. Comm. 339, 177-181, 2015.03.15. 8. Hui. Zhang, T. Mei*, N. Zhu, G. Jin, “Mode size and loss in strongly asymmetric plasmonic waveguide with dielectric cladding”, J. Opt. 17, 125001, 2015 9. N. Zhu*, H. Zhang, H. Li, “Ultra-compact Stub-type Wavelength Filter Based on Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide Structure Improved for Fabrication”, Chinese J. Luminescence. 35, 7, 883-888,2014.07. 10. N. Zhu*, “A novel hybrid plasmonic waveguide with loss compensation via electrically pumped gain medium based on silicon platform”, Opt. Comm. 311, 61-64, 2014。01.15. 11. N. Zhu*, and T. Mei, “Focusing and demultiplexing of an in-plane hybrid plasmonic mode based on the planar concave grating”, Opt. Comm. 298, 120-124, 2013.07.01. 12. Wei-Cong Yan, Zhi-You Guo*, N. Zhu, and Yu-Qiang Jiang, “Proposal of a wavelength filter with a cut corner based on Equilateral-triangle-resonator”, Opt. Exp. 21, 16536, 2013. 13. N. Zhu*, and T. Mei, “Analysis of an ultra-compact wavelength filter based on hybrid plasmonic waveguide structure”, Optics Letters, 37(11), 1751, 2012. 14. Y. Li, H. Zhang, N. Zhu, T. Mei*, D. H. Zhang, and J. Teng, “Short-range surface Plasmon propagation supported by stimulated amplification using electrical injection”, Optics Express 19, 22107, 2011. 15. N. Zhu*, “Proposal of a polarization-insensitive echelle grating demultiplexer based on nanophotonic silicon-on-insulator platform through the dual grating system”, Optics Letters, 35(10), 1599-1601, 2010. 16. N. Zhu*, J. Song, L. Wosinski, S. He, and L. Thylen, “Experimental demonstration of a cross-order echelle grating triplexer based on amorphous silicon nanowire platform”, Optics Letters, 34(3), 383-385, 2009. 17. T. Xu*, N. Zhu, M. Xu, L. Wosinski, J. S. Aitchison and H. E. Ruda, “Pillar-array based optical sensor”, Optics Express, 18(6), 5420-5425, 2009. 18. T. Xu*, N. Zhu, M. Xu, L. Wosinski, J. S. Aitchison and H. E. Ruda, “A pillar-array based two-dimensional photonic crystal microcavity”, Applied Physics Letters, 94(24), 241110, 2009. 19. Z. Wang*, N. Zhu, Y. Tang, L. Wosinski, D. Dai, and S. He, “Ultracompact low-loss coupler between strip and slot waveguides”, Optics Letters, 34(10), 1498-1500, 2009. 20. L. Wosinski*, L. Liu, N. Zhu and L. Thylen, “Technology challenges for monolithically integrated waveguide demultiplexers”, Chinese Optics Letters, Focus Issue on Silicon Photonics, 7(4), 1-4, 2009. |